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Dad's Whiskey Barrel Roasted Coffee

Dad's Whiskey Barrel Roasted Coffee

Regular price $25.00
Regular price Sale price $25.00
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This is for the times when you need a little buzz in your coffee but have responsibilities that say otherwise. Dad's coffee is uniquely aged in whiskey barrels adding a delicious smokey taste of bourbon whiskey to the coffee. Add a little heavy cream and you have yourself a smooth alcohol-free Irish coffee!

Coffee bags are 8 oz. 

*This product does not contain alcohol

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Bite in your Brew without the Buzz

- This One is For the Dads -

Whiskey Barrel Roasted Coffee Beans


As dads, we may not always be able to put whiskey in our coffee, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy a bold, invigorating cup of joe. This one's for the dads who make do with what they have, and who still manage to power through their day with a smile on their face. Here's to you, dad!


Dad's, it's time to trade in your bland, watered-down coffee for something with a little more pep in its step. Bold coffee is where it's at, and it's time for us to man up and embrace the boldness. So let's all raise a mug to the boldness of coffee, and to the dads who have the guts to drink it. Here's to being a bold, bad-ass dad!


At Dad's, we believe that high-quality coffee beans don't have to be stuck-up. We use only the finest beans, carefully selected and roasted to perfection, but we never let our beans get too big for their britches. So if you're a dad that enjoys quality without all the snobbery. Here's to a brew-tiful day!

"You watch Wake Up San Francisco because it's nice, and easy. Well this morning, I had a little too much coffee, so we're gonna do it nice... and rough"

- Danny Tanner -

PSSST! Great Gift for Dad

Any dad who loves coffee and whiskey will get a kick out of this product!